quinta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2011

Conservação Internacional de Gralha-de-bico-vermelho

Aqui ficam as conclusões do 3rd International Workshop on the Conservation of the Chough, realizado entre 13 e 15 de Outubro de 2010, no qual o Projecto Bico-vermelho esteve representado.

  1. There is great cause for conservation concern detected across different Chough populations in Europe because of issues of habitat fragmentation and disturbance. For this reason we consider it necessary for more work across their European range to further understand the reasons for this and any differences in behaviour within and between populations. Consequences of habitat loss and the need for more information on choughs in Ireland were discussed as an example.
  1. During the workshop, based on a range of studies presented, a compelling scientific case was made for the La Palma chough to be given subspecies status in its own right. The workshop recommendation is that the evidence should be reviewed and appropriate steps taken by the international authorities. This would:
a.       clarify and resolve taxonomic issues.
b.      raise the profile and conservation requirements of the chough on La Palma and elsewhere.

  1. Although a considerable amount of information has previously been compiled and discussed at previous workshops about chough and their ecology, new and interesting data were presented during this workshop. The conclusion of the delegates present was that there was still a considerable need to continue with monitoring, surveillance and research projects and to share knowledge about chough across all of its distribution range.
  1. There was continued concern that choughs continue to be vulnerable to toxic substances in the environment, linked strongly to habitat disturbance and degradation, as shown by detailed research (e.g. in mainland Spain).
  1. Small coastal populations that are confined to narrow coastal zones, continue to be vulnerable to a range of influencing factors, such as habitat fragmentation and degradation and extreme weather events. The workshop concluded that there are important land management issues for chough that still need to be addressed in these locations, closely linked to continuing chough monitoring schemes.
  1. The workshop concluded that we need to know more about red-billed chough and Alpine chough populations outside Europe, such as those in Asia and Africa, due to their similar biology, behaviour, threats and conservation needs.
  1. Data/findings presented during the workshop underlined the links between choughs and land management and other human activities in the landscape. The workshop concluded that there is still a need for further research into choughs and land-use, e.g. in agricultural landscapes.
  1. A common thread throughout the workshop was that the chough is an iconic bird, in many areas strongly linked through culture to traditionally-managed landscapes. Many of the issues affecting chough conservation are common across these landscapes, from local to international level. So the conclusion of the workshop was that we have an obligation (a duty) to include them in education programmes at local and international community levels.
  1. Finally, the participants accept the invitation made for the Portuguese colleagues to celebrate the 4th International Workshop on the Conservation of the Chough in Portugal in 2013.

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